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Getting Things Ready!

Student Center, Cafeteria, and Library

Student Center

The Student Center Building (K) contains the Cafeteria and the Office of Student Activities/SGA. Students congregate during breakfast and lunch hours to eat and study between classes. Student organizations sponsor various activities throughout the year in the Student Center.


The college cafeteria is operated under the Sodexo School Food Service. Offering breakfast and lunch selections, it operates during the fall and spring semesters. Summer hours and meal offerings are based on student demand. Vending machines are located throughout the campus.


The Library is a comprehensive, learning resource center that is an integral part of the college’s instructional program. The Library staff provides services that include class and individual library literacy instruction with orientations, reference and research support, plus course reserve materials.

  • Open 60 hours per week
  • 14 computer stations for reference work.
  • LINCCWeb—24-hour access to the online catalog and over 100 databases with over 75 million pieces of information
  • The Information Technology Center (Tech Lab) with 22 computer workstations
  • Students must present a current Chipola Student Photo ID to check out materials.

Computer Labs, Building Z

When classes are not in session in these labs, students may use the computer labs in Building Z, Rooms 117 and 118.

Link added to your Items of Interest at the end of Chipola 101.
Photo of the library
Student in library
Students in the library
Students in the student center

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