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Getting Things Ready!

Achievement Unlocked
Chipola 101
About this Program
- Chipola 101 is made up of modules accessible through the main menu items and the menu icon on your home screen. To begin, click the title of the module from either view.
- Each module is made up of a series of slides. To complete each module, click through the slides using the next and previous buttons.
- A module is complete when you view the last slide.
Throughout this program, look for
Items of Interest Links
Some slides include an "i" button and statement that begins with “I would like to learn more about...” If you want to save this information to review it later, click the "i" button. You’ll find a link to more information about that topic on your resource page when you complete Chipola 101.
Glossary Terms
Be on the lookout for college lingo! You can find a complete listing of glossary terms by clicking the College Lingo button on the home screen.
Intelligent Search
Here you can access the search feature. When you search for a term, you’ll be presented with results.
Discovery Tools
The Discovery Tools includes these helpful tools:
Return to this area frequently to view announcements and reminders you’ll receive throughout the Chipola 101 experience.
Use this area to keep track of what you’ve completed and what else needs to be done.
This page includes links to essential information and the personalized Items of Interest you selected throughout Chipola 101.
Click to ask a question or view answers to questions asked most often.
College Lingo
The collegiate world often has its own lingo. Use this app to discover the terms you will need to know to navigate college.
Go above and beyond! Check your progression through Chipola 101.
Need Assistance?
If you are having issues and need help, contact support at 850-718-2300 or
You can also swipe left or right to go to the previous or next slide.

College Lingo
- Academic Probation Academic Probation,academic probation,Academic probation
- All colleges require students to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) to remain in school. Any student not maintaining satisfactory progress toward his/her educational objectives will be placed on probation for a semester.
- Alumni alumni,Alumni
- Graduates or former student of the college.
- Bookstore Bookstore,bookstore
- All colleges have bookstores. It will generally stock all the books and other materials required in all the courses offered at the institution as well as providing basic sundries and clothing items.
- Commuter commuter,Commuter
- A commuter is a student who lives off-campus and drives to class, or commutes.
- FAFSA fafsa,Fafsa,FAFSA
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The almost universal application for financial aid, including loans, grants, college work-study and other federal and state programs. It is often required before a student can be considered for scholarships also.
- Degrees Degrees,degrees
- Academic titles conferred by universities and colleges as an indication of the completion of a course of study, or as an honorary recognition of achievement.
Check back each time you log in to Chipola 101 to see if there are new announcements, news items or reminders.
New Registration dates
The spring term registration dates will be 1/2/2022 to 1/10/2022.
Welcome to Chipola 101. Please complete this preview prior to your in-person campus orientation.
Checklist Items
Things to Do
Click the checkboxes next to the items as you complete them to help keep track of your progress.
Complete Chipola 101 2015-12-18 00:00:00.000
Meet with your Advisor 2015-12-18 00:00:00.000
Advising services are available on campus each weekday, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters. During the two summer sessions, advisors are available Monday through Thursday; the College is closed on Fridays. Appointments may be made for evening sessions.

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All achievements unlocked! Congratulations.

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Reading Comprehension
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